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JOHN ARGYRIOU E-MAIL: jargyriou@curvecap.com
PHONE: +442071433796
MOBILE: +447870688887, +447777670851

John Argyriou was an associate of Salomon Brothers Inc., where his duties were in sales of fixed income products (1982-1994).

From 1994 to 1996, he was a Senior Trader at Steinhardt Management L.L.P., where his duties were trading and financing of fixed income products.

From 1998 to 1999, he was an Principal of Atlas Commodities Trading Group where his duties were to create strategies and implement them for discretionary accounts.

In 2001, Mr. Argyriou founded Bellerophon Investement Management, a global opportunistic hedge fund where he has been till the present. He has also been working on an advisory basis to a number of European clients.

Mr. Argyriou holds a BS in Finance and Economics from Pace University, New York. He also holds various securities licenses in the US and abroad.